Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Uncle Duff's Wedding Trip

We flew out to Arizona as a family for Mark's youngest brother's wedding. The ceremony was absolutely lovely. I didn't get any pictures of the couple but believe me, they were stunning and their wedding was delightful.

Here we are on our way to AZ. Conditions were perfect: the flight wasn't full so we had our own seat and it was a direct flight. It doesn't get better than that with a 5 month old infant right? Look how happy we are!

Unfortunately it was Austin's worst flight ever. He lasted about one hour and then the next three it was off and on crying, fussing, trying to sleep, sleeping, and then around that circle again. Ugh. Here is a picture capturing the exactly how we felt. Oh and there was also a blowout on that flight. Notice how he is wearing a different outfit in the below pictures than in the above pictures...

There were some precious moments like this one, where Mark and Austin are gazing out the window together. I would also like to say that Austin's worst flights are probably some kids' best flights. So as bad as it was, it definitely could have been worse. That is how awesome my kid is :) 

Mark had to turn around and leave the day after the wedding but Austin and I stayed for a week! The remainder of the trip was spent sewing, reading, hanging out with cousins, swimming, and just relaxing. Austin was an absolute champ on the flight home. He didn't cry once and slept for over two hours in my arms allowing me to nap as well. What a fabulous baby boy. 

We were certainly ready to come home though and so excited to see Dad (Mark) when we got off the plane. Mark was such a sweetheart. Instead of bringing me flowers or candy as a gift after such a long time apart Mark brought me a bowl, a spoon, and a box of cereal. He told me he knew cereal was my comfort food (and he was right) and that if it had been a hard flight that would cheer me up the best. It was an awesome flight but I was still glad to have the cereal all the same :) I have the best husband ever. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

My favorite picture is of Mark's grumpy face!!! Glad to know that other mothers get that look from their husbands!