Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Wonderful Husband

I had the best anniversary ever. And not only was it the best anniversary ever, I had the best year of my marriage ever. It seems like each year gets better than the last. Even the hard years are wonderful (i.e. the year when my dad died and the miscarriage five months later).

Mark is an amazing companion. He loves me very much and I know it not only by the things he says, but by the things he does. Last night is a perfect illustration. It was our anniversary "date". Here is what he did:

  • He let me choose the restaurant (Chick-fil-A) because I have to be on a strict diet because of my pregnancy. We had to go with something inexpensive because we're on a budget. And we already had a big anniversary celebration about three weeks ago. 
  • We went to a baby clothes store and just browsed around in the little boys section. 
  • We went to the Hallmark store right next door to the baby store. He HATES that sort of stuff but he just walked around with me and enjoyed talking about future plans for decorating our house (when we can afford it) and playing with the funny stuff. He did let me know he was ready to leave but then stuck it out for 10 more minutes so I could finish looking.
  • When we went to the Redbox to rent a movie he let me choose Jane Eyre even though he wanted to see Captain America. 
  • When we came home I was halfway between being asleep and awake on his shoulder and he let me lay there for about 40 minutes before suggesting I go to bed. 
  • Then he walked me upstairs, tucked me in, and kissed me goodnight.
Best husband ever. I mean really. Who does that? He is unselfish, kind, and patient. Sometimes I wonder what I did to get such a wonderful companion. He really seems too good to be true. Not only is his unselfish, kind, and patient, but he is also an incredibly hard worker. He studies for hours each day and is doing really well in medical school. I am so proud of him. And I am so pleased to be his wife. I am so glad he chose me. 

Tender Mercies

Tuesday night and Wednesday were incredibly stressful days. I was (and still am) exhausted. I cried in frustration and relief within a 24 hour period. Here is the story:

So this year instead of just having my students wear black and white I am going to have them wear matching polo shirts with an RMS music logo embroidered on the front left side (where the pocket should be). Well. If I had this to do over I would collect the money in September and have them ordered by the beginning of October. I would have sample sizes for them to actually try on.

Needless to say I did not to EITHER of those things. I collected all the money by November and STILL haven't ordered the shirts even though my concert is in 3 weeks. I tried ordering the shirts on Tuesday and Wednesday from and online company but it ended up being a huge mess and they absolutely would not guarantee to have them there on time. So I tried another online company but they were going to charge me $100 to design and upload a logo AND a $600 rush fee. I couldn't afford that! I only charged the kids $16 a shirt!

And I was SO stressed and frustrated trying to get the kids into the right sizes so they would not look like they were swimming in too large shirts or squeezing into too small shirts. I am still a little worried about that. So basically I went down to the office ladies (who are AWESOME) crying and not knowing what to do.

Well. They told me about an a local company literally around the corner and suggested I go to them. So I did. And the woman there patted my shoulder and told me they would have NO problem getting them for me on time. AND they gave me sample sizes right there. AND they helped me design a logo for free. AND she is going to take a slight cut to her profit on the shirts since I did not charge the kids quite enough money for them. She said our school is her best customer and she doesn't mind helping out a first timer like me at all. (She said all this in her sweet southern accent too). I cried again. This time in relief. She said that Jesus works in ways that surprise us sometimes. I couldn't have said it better myself.

So that is mercy number one from Wednesday.

Wednesday is also the day that the cookie dough we sold for our fundraiser came in. Last year it was a piece of cake because all of my students were gone by about 1:00 and then I had planning and enrichment. I can ask to be free during enrichment during an emergency too since I am basically a classroom aide for those 40 minutes. So last year the cookies came and I was able to sort them and have them all ready for the students and none of my students were in the classroom stressing me out.

Well THIS year my planning AND enrichment are in the morning. I was so stressed and nervous that I was going to have a classroom full of kids while trying to sort all the cookie dough out. But you know what? I have a 45 minute lunch break. And guess when the cookie dough came? Five minutes into my break. AND the custodians were right there at the back door when it arrived so I didn't have to go hunting for them to help me out at all.

They were so helpful. Especially because I am pregnant and they didn't want me lifting a finger to help them. So they took it all upstairs (we do have an elevator) and helped me unload it. We were finished 20 minutes before my students came, and I was able to finish getting it sorted by class 5 minutes before my students came.

And when I had to call up all the sixth and seventh graders to get their cookie dough the eighth grade students were pretty mature about it and did the right thing by staying in their seats and not talking too much.

Tender mercy number two.

I feel so blessed. Heavenly Father has really been showing himself to me lately in so many ways. It is a great strength to my testimony. I love being watched over by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Sometimes my life feels too good to be true. And my heart hurts for those who are not as blessed as me and I wonder why they are not. And I don't know. I really don't. But I guess the God of All Creation knows and I will trust in him and his eternal plan forever.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to me! And to my husband! Seriously. Best 4 years of my life. You know how in young women's at church they always ask you to list out qualities you want in a husband, etc, etc, etc... When I did that I never dreamed I would get someone as awesome as I got. Mark is far and away above and beyond anything I ever put on that list. I am at peace in my life and in marriage because I have such a wonderful companion. So. Happy Anniversary to me!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Staring at the Screen

I have been sitting in my living room for the last 15 minutes or so just staring at the screen of my computer and every now and then switching to a different web page. I am looking but not seeing or understanding much of anything. Such a waste of time. I am completely zoned out. My mind feels fried. I cannot focus on anything. I think it is time to put the computer away, and go to bed. Some days at work just do that to me. I get home and I can focus on nothing and accomplish nothing because my mind is numb from the day's stress and work. Thank goodness these days do not come often. Often enough to be annoying, but not so often that my whole life is disrupted. Logging off now...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011




Baby Boy Bailey: April 16, 2012

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Break! (Or two, or three!)

Finally, the first long stretch of the school year is over! The kids are at each other's throats and the teachers are exhausted. I am so glad that the breaks have finally arrived!

Next week we have an early release day AND a day off. In one week! Hooray!

Then it is only one full week before Thanksgiving break! BIG Hooray!

Then it is only 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas break! GIANT HOORAY!

I am so looking forward to holidays. My mom is coming for Thanksgiving which we will also share with some of our favorite friends here in Winston, the Condons. AND we are going to Arizona for Christmas this year. I am so excited.

There is another very long stretch of school with no breaks after that (January until the first week of April...), which is exhausting too. Technically there are some teacher workdays built in but they are always turned into student days because of weather.

BUT I am really excited for the relatively restful months of November and December! And the awesome time of year where I get to think all about what I am most Thankful for and the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Scripture Power

I teach the 9 year old's in primary. I really, really love teaching primary. It probably the best calling I have ever had. I could teach primary forever and be happy I think. I just love how fresh everything feels in there. I love that we go over the basics and that we do not delve into deep spiritual matters or personal interpretation of the scriptures. What I have discovered is that by studying the basic principles and talking about them with the students my own mind is open to the promptings of the spirit and I have gotten some really beautiful insights into the scriptures. We do not necessarily talk about my insights, but I get them more now than ever. I love it.

But that is not the purpose of this post! The title of this post just reminded me of primary because that is one of the songs we sang for the primary program. The kids LOVED that song. You should have heard them sing it. They sounded awesome. Here are the words:

Because I want to be like the Savior, and I can,
I'm reading his instructions, I'm following his plan.
Because I want the power his word will give to me,
I'm changing how I live, I'm changing how I'll be.

Scripture power keeps me safe from sin.
Scripture power is the power to win.
Scripture power! Every day I need,
The power that I get each time I read.

Well, I have not been really faithful about reading my scriptures every single day lately and I have made a concerted effort to be better about it. Last night I sat down with my NT in hand and I read for probably 15 or 20 minutes. Jesus was a pretty smart guy. He was so smart in fact that the Scribes and Pharisees stopped asking him questions after a while. And I love that about my Savior. I love that he was smart. I have a lot of respect for people who are smart and wise and that is Jesus Christ in two words.

Well today was a fabulous day. I loved my job today. I loved teaching today. I have had some serious anxiety over the past couple of days and I felt it disappear as I decided to lose myself in the scriptures yesterday. The line of Scripture Power kept coming into my head today: Scripture Power! Every day I need the power that I get each time I read.

I really felt that power today, stronger than I have felt it in a long time. I think it was Heavenly Father's gentle reminder that the scriptures really are a powerful tool, even if they are not answering your particular concerns of the moment they just have this power that can help you help yourself through your problems. I love that about the scriptures and my goal is to finish the New Testament by the New Year.

Scripture Power!!!