Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Day in the Life...

Today was such a lovely day. Saturdays are almost sacred in our home, especially Saturday mornings. Saturday morning is the time when we really reconnect as a family. We usually go for a walk, have a special breakfast together, and then go out and do something fun. Sometimes we clean together. In the fall there is always a football game on in the afternoon. In any case, Saturday is a very special day when we do fun things together as a family and simply enjoy all the blessings Heavenly Father has given us together. Today was the first Saturday we have been able to reconnect in a while. Two weeks ago we were at a wedding and it was a busy day. Last week I was traveling home from said wedding and it was a busy day. Because of those last two Saturdays today felt especially blessed and beautiful.

We woke up rested and feeling great around 7:30 this morning. We went for a family walk. I love our family walks. They are usually the highlight(s) of the week. Austin fell asleep on the walk. What a cutie.

As soon as we got home we put Austin in his bed, cleaned up the kitchen, and made an awesome breakfast: breakfast burritos, orange juice, and english muffins with Nutella. Then we decided we wanted to go out and do something. I wanted to go to Pilot Mountain. Mark wanted to go to Lexington. So we played paper-rock-scissors to decide. Mark won and we went to Lexington. I was just excited to go somewhere so we went and had a blast! 

We visited this incredible, I repeat INCREDIBLE, candy store. That is the whole reason we went actually. We saw an ad for it on TV when I was pregnant with Austin and decided we would go when I was no longer diabetic. It had the coolest selection of candy and antique toys and fudge and chocolate truffles and chocolate covered everything. I love candy stores. I love them. 

After the fabulous candy shop we walked around uptown Lexington. It was really cute. It has lovely churches. One had this fabulous steeple. The picture doesn't do it justice. 

The weather was perfect, Austin was perfect, and candy was perfect. It was just a perfect morning. After that we came home, watched General Conference, and then had a barbeque. 

It was just loveliest, most perfect day and I had to write about so that I will remember it on the not so lovely and not so perfect days.

I feel so happy and so peaceful and so content, especially after a day out with the two boys I love more than anything. I am truly the most blessed of women. 

1 comment:

Michelle said...

So fun!! I want to go there if we get to come visit you guys!
I love you three. :) Thanks for sharing your life on here.