Saturday, July 28, 2012

Moral Dilemma: Between a rock and a hard place

Social Networking has become a powerful force in this world for good and for evil. I feel like I am between Scylla and Charybdis: How do I decry moral decay on my social networking sites while at the same time projecting a non-judgmental Christ-like charity for all people?

I rarely post anything political whether I agree with it or not. I am non-confrontational and I simply do not want to deal with the repercussions of posting politically or morally charged statements. I also do not want to offend people I consider friends and I know by sharing or posting certain things I would. I have a diverse group of friends.

That being said I am offended by some of the things they post. I feel that in their anxiety to make their voice heard about what they truly believe to be right they say some pretty hateful and horrible things themselves. Where is the love in the world? Why can't we disagree and still be friends? Why do we have to be so disagreeable? Why does it matter to you what I think of gay marriage? Of gun control? Of abortion?

Why is it that if I believe gay marriage is wrong that I am a bigot? The definition of bigot is as follows:

A person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

I consider myself to be very tolerant. I am not intolerant of anyone's beliefs or opinions. I tolerate them. I just don't agree. I have gay family members. I have gay friends. The best neighbors I have ever had are gay (For heaven's sake, they take our trash out EVERY WEEK!) I love them. All of them. I think they should have the choice to live as they see fit without judgement. That being said, I disagree with the lifestyle. I think it is morally wrong. I don't thing marriage should apply to that situation. To me marriage is a religious institution, not a right. There. I said it. I disagree with gay marriage. Do I think they deserve all the "rights" that heterosexual couples have? Sure I do. They love each other and care for each other. They should have hospital visitation rights, tax benefits, etc... Just do not call it marriage. For me I suppose it is a title thing. Marriage is reserved for a man and woman.

Now why can't I say it on facebook? Is it because I lack the courage? Am I so worried about offending "man" that I do not defend my God and his commandments? Or am I doing the right thing by quietly disagreeing and living my life the way God has commanded and reaching out (in person) to those around me?

I think abortion is okay-- in certain situations. It should absolutely not be made illegal. Women find themselves in a terrible situation if they are the victims of rape, incest, or a life threatening pregnancy. It is in those situations I think abortion is okay. Don't feed me the "Well she can put it up for adoption" line either. Pregnancy is an absolutely all-encompassing experience. A woman should not have to live with the negative effects of a crime or someone else's bad choices. She shouldn't. So I believe abortion should be legal. And what about the life of the unborn child? Well we don't know when the spirit of a child enters the body. It might be instant and it might not. I think God knows. Maybe it is at a different time for each pregnancy. Who knows. All I know is that if a woman or girl has experience any of the above she has had enough trauma in her life already.

Planned Parenthood is a wonderful idea. Of course I don't believe in "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" but I honestly don't think that "abstinence only" sexual education is adequate. You are free to disagree with me. I would rather have people educated about birth control than having abortions willy-nilly.

Gun Control? Well... I truthfully do not have much of an opinion there. I am not a hunter. I do not go to the range and fire shots off for fun. I am not a gun collector. But I have friends who are. They are wonderful people. I sort of take a back seat with this issue. I do not know the current rules and regulations well enough to believe they are strict enough or need to be tighter. I admit my ignorance.

Whew. I said a lot in this post. If you are still reading kudos to you. Mostly I just wrote it to get these things off my chest. Blogging is another form of social media but it is so much more personal. I don't have a limited number of characters. I can try and post my truest feelings and intentions. I know that this post will make some people angry. They will decry my religious ways. Call me ignorant, biased, bigoted, etc... But before you write hateful or hurtful comments imagine this:

We are having this discussion face to face.

Etiquette is so much different in person than it is online. Why is that? Why can we be so hurtful to one another anonymously when we would NEVER do it in real life? That is the real pity of social networking. Too often real thoughts, feelings, and intentions can't be projected. So much of communication is body language and tone of voice, which are completely lost in social networking.

Now. Would you still say that hateful or horrible thing to me if we were having this conversation in person? Could I trust you enough to have this open conversation with you? I hope so. You are more than welcome to agree or disagree with me. You can quote statistics to me all you want and I will graciously listen to you as I would hope you will graciously listen to me.

The thoughts I have expressed are my own. They do not make me love anyone less no matter what their lifestyle. They are simply an expression of how I choose to live my life and how I encourage others to live theirs. That being said just realize that no matter what you choose God loves you and I probably do (would) too.

1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for theLord aseeth not as bman seeth; for man looketh on the outwardcappearance, but the dLord looketh on the eheart.


Sam and Kat said...

I just LOVED this post. Some of your points were my thoughts exactly but I am too chicken to post them even on my blog. I should. I'm getting fed up with people name calling and blaming those who disagree with them for the hate that happens in this world. Although I disagree with a couple of your viewpoints, I completely understand your reasoning and can appreciate the fact that you were able to type out your thoughts so eloquently. :) Thanks!

A. B. said...

See this is what I am talking about! You are so respectful of my point of view even though you disagree with some of it. You are awesome. Why can't the rest of the world be like that? Agreeable while disagreeing? And I almost didn't publish this post. I had to count to three before I clicked publish. It was scary for me too.