Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'm Not Worried... Should I Be?

I have read about getting your kid into the "right" preschool. I have read tip after tip about how to get your kid to read before kindergarten. I have read several blogs with all sorts of activities to make sure your kid has the right "skill set" before he or she enters school.

But you know what? I am just no that worried about those things. Should I be worried? Should I be more concerned? I feel 100% confident in my ability to parent my child and help him to know the important stuff before he goes to school in 5 years:

  • How to share
  • How to apologize 
  • How to treat others kindly and play nicely
  • How to be a good friend
  • How to work hard
  • How to play!!!
  • How to listen and be obedient
  • How to say please and thank you
  • How to write his name
  • How to recognize a few shapes and colors
I mean am I missing something? Is there more I should be doing? My job as a parent is to help him to become the best person he can become. When he goes to school his teacher will be paid to teach him the rest of his shapes and colors, patterns, math, reading, writing, etc... He/She will have been specially trained to work with small children and help them grow! Of course I will do as much as I can but I am just not that worried about it.

If I read articles or blogs about activities to do for children it will specifically be so we can have fun together. There will be no ulterior motive  or feeling that "if I don't do this my kid will be dumb!" Austin is already a smart boy.

The best place for Austin to be for the next 5 years is with a mother who loves him. The best thing I can do for him is to let him explore his world and learn how to play because that is how kids learn-- through playing. 

I will do my best as a parent but I trust my instincts and I trust that my child will learn what he needs to learn when he needs to learn it without me stressing too much about it. I know if I do my best he will be his best too.


Melissa S. said...

hahaha, were you reading my mind? I'll tell you from EXPERIENCE that any activities before are really just to have fun and get them to love learning. That's our BIGGEST concern and goal is that they will love to learn. I've never sent the kiddos away to a formal preschool, and I'm glad because that's worked for my family. If they are "too prepared" when they get in school, my experience in student teaching, etc. is that they just get bored and sometimes act out. I guess that's why I've liked the spanish twist because I know it will always be challenging even if the material they already learned from their older brother.
You can never EVER get those first 5 years back and after you send them away they come back w/ ALL sorts of "extra" things they learn outside of the home. I love being able to shape them enough to be strong enough when they head to kindergarten.
On the OTHER hand, some of my kids have been sad as they've seen their friends get to go to "school" (preschool), but you just have to make up for it in love-time at home. ;)
Clearly each family is different though and I get that, but that's what has worked for me and I wouldn't change a thing........keep in mind though, Austin is not even 1, so you have plenters of time. hahaha

Jershelly said...

Amen. To this whole post. Also, what is your email address so I can send you an invite to our blog? (p.s. I found the link to your blog via Suzanne's)

Becky said...

Amen again.

Becky said...

Amen again.

Jamie said...

You are so smart Amanda. I wish I had figured this out as early as you in my parenting experience. :)

Emily said...

Thanks for this blog post! I have decided the same with Henri... he doesn't know all of his ABC's, but he has THREE more years for me to fill in the gaps. However, my friend was telling me how in preschool their teacher was teaching them about PHOTOSYNTHESIS! And I have been worrying...So, thanks again for the post! I guess he can wait until 7th grade to learn about photosynthesis!

April said...

Stephen didn't go to preschool and he did just great in kindergarten! Joe is going to go, but only because he is desperately jealous of Stephen going to school. Yup, just teaching as part of daily life, I'm a fan. Heck, you don't want him to get there and know EVERYTHING, then he'll be bored! :)