Thursday, September 13, 2012

Full of Joy

Did you ever feel so happy you felt as though you might just burst?

Or have you ever felt so peaceful that you wondered what in the world you could have possibly done to deserve such a wonderful feeling?

I feel that way tonight. Nothing remarkable has happened. All I did today was babysit for a friend, clean my house, play with my baby, plan a baby shower, and rehearse briefly with my church's choir (I am the pianist.)

The only recent change in my situation is that there is no longer any unknowns in our travel plans. We have made our decision and finalized our plans. That feels good.

Other than that my peace and happiness is inexplicable. Perhaps it is because tomorrow is Friday and I know I get to go on a date with my husband. Perhaps it is because I know that I get to spend and entire Saturday morning with my husband. Perhaps it is because I have the most beautiful baby in the world. I don't really know what is causing this peace but I am going to enjoy every minute of it.

That being said I do read the news and I am sorry for all the hate and sadness in the world... especially the hate. I am not sure what I can do for the hatred in the world beyond teaching my son tolerance and loving and living those principles in my own life for others to see.

I thank God for my peace and pray that he may grant unto others the vision and ability to find their own.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I LOVE this post! It makes me feel so happy! And I'm so glad you're so happy!