So. The 5.5 month update:
Austin loves to roll over! He rolls mostly to one side and he will roll all across the room, get stuck, cry for help and do it again. It is precious. He actually enjoys tummy time now that he can go back and forth himself. He often falls asleep on his tummy while he plays if it is near his nap time.
Austin loves to touch faces. As I nurse him he reaches up to touch my face. As I rock him to sleep he reaches up to touch my face until he falls asleep. As his dad or grandma or nana or grandpa are playing with him he reaches up to touch their faces. He loves faces!
Austin eats solid food! He still makes a funny face at the beginning of each feeding but mostly he has really enjoyed it.
Austin makes a new noise. It is a whining noise. He closes his mouth and sort of goes hmmm-hmmm-hmmm. It is really, really cute.
Austin still loves to suck his thumb. He does it more than ever. The pacifier is becoming a thing of the past.
Austin is still as smiley as ever. He smiles and smiles and smiles all day long.
He sleeps consistently for 10 hours and then after a brief feeding for 2 hours more. It is wonderful.
Austin is becoming really interested in toys. He loves to grab them and bang them on the table if you hold him sitting up. He loves to grab anything in his reach. It is getting tricky to hold him on your lap while you eat.
Austin loves to swim. He even fell asleep in his Nana's arms as she held him and walked around in the pool. It was so sweet.
I think those are most of the big developments. If I remember more I will for sure write them down. It is such a joy to mother that young boy :) He is starting to recognize me! (Or as Mark has said-- he recognizes everyone who isn't me :)