Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just Plain Tired

I was exhausted after work today. I mean, I was so tired I couldn't even call my mom on the way home from work because I was just too plain tired to carry on a conversation. I wasn't dangerous on the road but the person I followed almost the whole way home was going 5 under and that was totally okay with me. I didn't even want to keep track of my speed I was so tired. I don't know if this happens to anyone else but when I am super tired like that my body just feels like a dead weight. My arms feel heavy, my head feels heavy, my legs feel heavy. I just don't want to move. It was a long drive home today. And then I got home and slept for over an hour and probably could have slept for another hour but I needed to get up and make dinner. I am feeling more refreshed after my little nap, but going to bed early (even after a long nap) is not going to be a problem tonight.

And you know what? I got 10 hours of sleep on Tuesday night and almost 8 hours last night. And it has been quality sleep! My squished little bladder hasn't even woken me up these last nights because I am just so tired! I attribute it to the pregnancy. Since I am in great health, getting plenty of sleep, and eating really well (gestational diabetes) I must be tired from growing this sweet baby. It is amazing how much energy one little person can take.

I probably have no idea... a little voice in my head is saying "Just wait until he's born..."

But you know what? Bring it on. I love him so much already I would go to the moon and back for him!


Sam and Kat said...

I think the tiredness during pregnancy is so different from the tiredness after he is here. The difference is that you can actually sleep now hehe... Take advantage of that time. But then again, when he is here, even though you will be tired, it is still such an amazing experience. I know you will just love every moment of it. Life certainly changes more than you can ever anticipate, but it is good change for sure. It is all so worth it. :) Good luck with everything! You look lovely.

Emily said...

There is nothing like pregnancy fatigue, and there is nothing like I-have-a-new-baby-that-doesn't-sleep fatigue. But they're two different types. Take lots of naps, and enjoy your time with Mark. Your little boy will be here before you know it!