Friday, March 23, 2012

Irrational Fears?

Pregnancy has come on so gradually I have this irrational fear that some of the symptoms I am experiencing will last forever.

My feet and ankles are so swollen it looks like I shouldn't even be able to walk. I just looked at them tonight while they were propped up as I watched a movie with Mark and I was stunned. Where are my ankles? When did I get dimples in my feet? It will go away right?

My back hurts. All the time. Standing. Sitting. Laying down. My hips hurt too. None of it is excruciating, but I do have this fear that it will hurt now for the rest of my life. It is just pregnancy right? The pain should go away when he is born?

Diabetes. I am scared I will have it forever. Because I have it now during pregnancy I am at a much higher risk of developing it later. But I am truly afraid that I will test positive for Type 2 diabetes even after my pregnancy. I am afraid I will have to prick my fingers for the rest of my life.

Mostly those are the things I am afraid will never go away. Those are irrational fears, right? They came on with the pregnancy so they should disappear with it too I hope. AND I'll have a beautiful son as well.  Totally worth it. I am definitely not horribly uncomfortable, just a little scared. This isn't a rant about pregnancy symptoms. This pregnancy has been awesome. I have treasured every moment just about.

However, these little things should go away. Right? I sure hope so...


Becky said...

Yes, but not as quickly as you expect. Your hormones change drastically when your baby is born, but they don't go away. Things will feel different, but you will still have some strange fears, etc.

That was one surprise to me--I thought that once the baby was born I would just bounce back to normal, hormone-wise. That is not exactly the case. BUT, you will also feel an irrational (and rational) love for your son and your husband. And that will help the hormonal transition IMMENSELY!

Melissa S. said...

YES they will, but you'll get NEW SYMPTOMS!!!!! YAY FOR BEING A WOMAN!!! ;)
I think your hips will hurt worse this time then other pregnancies. Did you know your hips actually permanently shift out after your first pregnancy? seriously, how cool is a woman's body. So accomodating for all these things.
Then your next pregnancy you'll think, "Oh, hello symptoms. I remember you!"

Sam and Kat said...

I agree with Becky. There is a lot of adjustments after baby comes. Both physically and hormonally. Physically, you could be one of those people that drops the pounds with breastfeeding, or you could be like me and take close to a year to get back to normal (without heavy dieting/exercise that is). And hormonally, those first few weeks are very trying. I was a wreck after Ivy came and most of it wasn't in my control because of hormones. However, I'd say that yes, the swelling and back pain should go away pretty quickly afterwards. As for the diabetes, if it's just gestational, it means you will only have it during pregnancy. I'm sure you will be fine.