Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Break

I am officially on Spring Break! Hooray! I am so happy to have this little vacation. The best part is that after today, Mark will ALSO be on spring break! Last year our breaks were three weeks apart. This year they are at the same time. Hooray again!

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday to check Austin's size and growth. Since I have gestational diabetes they wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure he isn't enormous. I have only gained 7 pounds since I got pregnant so I was thinking he probably wouldn't be enormous. And he's not. They estimate that he is around 6 pounds and 4 ounces right now. Since I am due in 2 weeks that seems like a good size to me. According to their charts he is in the 21st percentile.

Dr. V said "Well he looks great. That is a good size. I am surprised though. His head is pretty big!"

I said "Runs in the family..."

He laughed.

But it does! My niece and nephew had such large heads as babies they never actually crawled because they couldn't get their heads off the ground. So they just rolled around, scooted, and then walked. I have a big head (literally, and maybe figuratively too...) Mark has a big head (hats never fit us). My brother and sister have big heads. Like I said, runs in the family.

Mark and I decided his head is so big because he is going to have lots of brains and be really smart. Just like us. Just kidding :)

Also, Mark is taking Step One of the USMLE today. He is there now, probably waiting in line to take his test. He looked so handsome on his way out the door. He wore slacks, a blue button up shirt (my favorite!), and a nice tie. He looked awesome. He is going to rock that test. He has been working so hard. Of course he is nervous and needs lots of prayers from anyone who happens to read this today, but I believe with all my heart he will be fine. He will do his best and that is all anyone can ask. I'm so proud of him!


Emily said...

YAY spring break!!!! :)
And good luck and good thoughts to Mark! He will do great!
We miss you guys!!!

Sam and Kat said...

2 weeks??? Man how time flies! That is so soon! Good luck with everything! Hope it all goes smoothly!

Jamie said...

Yay! That sounds like the perfect size of baby. Nice job, mama. And we are SOOOOO happy for you guys that Mark's test is done! (And you didn't go into labor during the test!)

Emily said...

So excited for your little guy! Also, wanted to comment on your irrational fears entry: For about three weeks every time I crawled into my bed I felt like my body just melted because I was SO comfortable NOT having a baby in my tummy! Hope you feel the same! We love you guys!

Broc and Melanie said...

Only 2 more weeks--wahoo! You've only gained 7 pounds?!? Sheesh, I've gained 20 so add on 5 that I lost the first few months. Good luck and enjoy :)

Cheesecake Momma said...

Wow! 7 pounds??? I'm super impressed! And I had to laugh about the "big head" thing because it runs in our family too. Our little girls' head is off the charts in size. At one appointment we had a new doctor and she got a little nervous wit her head size. I explained that it was genetic so she looks at me, then measures MY head to make sure. Cracks me up every time.

Good luck girly!!! I'm so excited for you!!!