Friday, November 2, 2012


You know, everyone handles grief differently. I sort of wish I was the kind of person who worked out like a maniac to get out all of my pent up anger and grief out. Unfortunately I am the sort of person who... well... eats. And I mean really eats.

When I am depressed I eat and eat and eat and don't go to the gym at all.

Since my sister died I have been more depressed, anxious, and worried than I have ever been in the course of my life. And so I have been eating. And eating. And eating. And... well you get the picture.

I gained 4.8 pounds in two weeks. Normally I round out my numbers but I just couldn't bring myself to put 5 when it was only 4.8.

I feel it in my face, on my back, and around my waist. It is not a very nice feeling. My clothes don't fit. I don't feel good about myself. So I get more depressed. And I eat some more. And my self talk is "Well, you better eat all you want today because you need to start your diet tomorrow." Seriously. I say that to myself every single day. And with an attitude like that I have just been gaining and gaining.

I think I am ready to stop. I guess what I am really saying is that I need to stop whether I think I am ready to or not. I can't wait for next month to start. I can't wait for next week to start. I can't even wait for tomorrow to start. I need to start right now, at 1:15 PM on Friday afternoon. I need to start with my next snack or my next meal.

So here it goes. I am going to push publish and I am going to track my calories and I am going to go to the gym tomorrow (because I don't have the car today, not because I don't want to!)

Think good thoughts for me!


April said...

Oh Amanda, I know how you feel!! I'm an emotional eater too, and when handling grief I don't even want real food, just junk food and lots of it. And I make the same excuses. And it's so hard to start over!! Good luck, and stay strong. You can do it!!

Melissa S. said...

It's okay to go through grief however you do it. You can't beat yourself up over it for sure. You ARE going through a hard thing and I can't even BEGIN to imagine. Good luck w/ everything dear friend!!! you've got this.

Michelle said...

It is super hard. I think I've been gaining sympathy pounds with you. As soon as I heard about Liz, I just couldn't take the added stress of tracking what I eat. I was so worried about her and your family and then later, you.
Why is eating such a psychological thing? And why on earth can't I be the type that has no appetite when I'm depressed? :)