On my wedding day I thought there was no one in the temple that day as in love as I was with Mark. Little did I know that pretty much everyone in there loved their spouse more than I did. Well, maybe not more. I think a better word would probably be deeper. Everyone there had a deeper and more established love than I had. But I don't know... maybe more is the right word because I feel like I love Mark so much more 5 years later than I even did when I married him and that is saying something!
It has been the same way with my Austin boy. I loved him so much when I was pregnant with him. Then I loved him even more when he was born. And each day that passes my love for him grows and deepens. He is such a special boy and I love him more deeply than words can express.
Okay, now for the update:
Weight: 18.1 lbs (50%)
Height: 26.75 in (40%)
Head: 18.25 in (95%)
My dear boy is perfectly average in weight and height but my goodness does he have a big head! But you know what? His cheeks totally fit his head and they are incredibly fat and kissable. I love them :) The doctor said not to worry. He'll grow into his head :)
Austin's big news is that he can sit up all by himself. It is fun to watch him sit up opposite of Mark and watch them play together. I think it is probably one of Mark's favorite things to do.
Austin's other big news is mobility. My goodness can that boy roll. He is about as roly-poly as they come. I can no longer set him down and expect him to be there when I come back. He rolls all the way across rooms and wiggles like a little worm to get at the toys he wants. I am amazed at the places he manages to get himself. Yesterday I found him under a kitchen chair. I am not sure how that happened but it did.
Austin fake coughs to get attention. It is pretty funny actually. Other sounds he makes include a very high pitched scream or just a normal scream (when he is happy.) He also does this little pa-pa-pff-pff sound with his lips. It is super cute. That is one of his dad's favorite sounds he makes :)
Austin has officially grown out of his sink bathtub and he now takes his baths in the big boy (normal size) bathtub. He LOVES it. He just kicks and kicks and splashes and splashes. It is so cute!
Austin is finally showing an interest in Moses... Moses had better watch out!
Austin loves toys and he loves to grab anything within in reach. He especially loves to bang toys on any available surface. He will just grab something and bang it and bang it and then do the same thing with something else or just his hands. It is fun to watch him do it for long periods of time. He is really good at entertaining himself already.
Austin is as great a sleeper as ever-- 12 hours at night and 3 naps during the day. He doesn't like to be held or rocked to sleep though. He just likes to be put in his crib. I knew this day would come, which is why I held him and rocked him to sleep so much when he was a little baby. I don't regret doing it one bit now that he doesn't need me any more for that particular thing!
Some of my favorite moments are going to get Austin when he wakes up in the morning or from his naps. He is just so smiley and happy. Mark and I compete for who gets to go get him. Sometimes we race into his room because we want to be the one to get that first big smile. What a sweetie.
Another one of my favorite moments has become somewhat of a tradition for Mark and me. Every night before we go to bed we quietly open Austin's door and watch him sleeping. It is so tender and sweet to just watch that sweet baby rest. We do it because we love him so much and also to remind ourselves that this is real. Sometimes it is just so awesome being parents that it doesn't seem like it can be real.
But it is :)
Austin fake coughs to get attention. It is pretty funny actually. Other sounds he makes include a very high pitched scream or just a normal scream (when he is happy.) He also does this little pa-pa-pff-pff sound with his lips. It is super cute. That is one of his dad's favorite sounds he makes :)
Austin has officially grown out of his sink bathtub and he now takes his baths in the big boy (normal size) bathtub. He LOVES it. He just kicks and kicks and splashes and splashes. It is so cute!
Austin is finally showing an interest in Moses... Moses had better watch out!
Austin is as great a sleeper as ever-- 12 hours at night and 3 naps during the day. He doesn't like to be held or rocked to sleep though. He just likes to be put in his crib. I knew this day would come, which is why I held him and rocked him to sleep so much when he was a little baby. I don't regret doing it one bit now that he doesn't need me any more for that particular thing!
Some of my favorite moments are going to get Austin when he wakes up in the morning or from his naps. He is just so smiley and happy. Mark and I compete for who gets to go get him. Sometimes we race into his room because we want to be the one to get that first big smile. What a sweetie.
Another one of my favorite moments has become somewhat of a tradition for Mark and me. Every night before we go to bed we quietly open Austin's door and watch him sleeping. It is so tender and sweet to just watch that sweet baby rest. We do it because we love him so much and also to remind ourselves that this is real. Sometimes it is just so awesome being parents that it doesn't seem like it can be real.
But it is :)
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