Friday, June 10, 2011

My Blessing

I wrote this down on August 24, 2010. It was the day before school started. I did not post it because it was sacred and I did not feel like posting it. But in light of the post I just wrote I feel like now would be an awesome time to post this. This is the blessing Mark gave me right before I met my students for the first time. Read the next post I made about the school year ending. I cannot believe how perfectly this blessing matches what happened to me during the school year. God is good. He is aware of me. He truly blessed me with these things. It is incredible. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ:

Mark gave me a blessing tonight. I am starting school tomorrow. I am so nervous/excited/anxious/scared. I have been thinking about this day for a really long time. I almost started crying in front of my mentor teacher today. I feel like I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. This is what Mark said in my blessing. He blessed me that I would love the children. He blessed me that I would see how valuable they are to my Heavenly Father. He blessed me to find time to spend with Mark and to attend to my duties at church. He told me that hard times would come and that during those hard times I should turn to my Heavenly Father and ask for his wisdom and guidance in those hard times. He told me that Heavenly Father knows that I have the abilities and skills to succeed. He told me not to let worry and stress keep me from loving the students. I think that is mostly everything. I think I might need to refer back to this a few times during the year. I don't want to forget it. I am so scared of failure. But I shouldn't be. Because I can do this. I can be successful. I can love those children. I can help them see who they can become. I can help them find happiness and relief. I can do this thing. I know I can. *deep breath* Here we go.

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