Tuesday, May 3, 2011

True Love

I am sick. Very sick. I have not been sick in over a year and I have not been sick like this in about 5 years. I had a really sore throat at work yesterday that progressively got worse as the day wore on. By the time I went home I could barely speak. When I got home I laid down on the couch to rest and I started to get the chills. Our living room was at 73 degrees and I was sitting under five blankets shivering to death.  And then I started to ache all over.. I hate that feeling. Here is where the true love begins. Mark went to the store and got me some tea and some throat lozenges. Mark prepared me some dinner and a little while after he got back we decided it would be good for me to try and go to sleep. I took some Tylenol PM because I was starting to get a fever. Mark helped me up the stairs and into bed. That is when the nausea started. I thought I just needed to burp. When it comes to stomach pain I am such a pansy. And even though I had taken PM medication I was writhing around in my bed moaning and crying because my stomach hurt. I think I probably really scared Mark. I told him he could go and he said to just call him if I needed anything. I sat up finally feeling like I was going to burp. And I did. And then I threw up ALL over the floor. It came on so suddenly that my ENTIRE dinner and all my medication came right back out my mouth.and onto my bedroom floor. I could not make it to the bathroom. It got all over t he body pillow under the bed too. I tried to call Mark but I was too busy throwing up. He heard me though and came running upstairs with a bowl. And t hen while I sat there and cried and apologized he smoothed my hair back, gave me a kiss, and cleaned it all up with paper towels and Windex. He washed the pillow and helped me move back downstairs. I got sick again downstairs, but at least I had a bowl that time. After that he walked me back up stairs and stayed with me until I finally fell asleep. I have the best husband in the whole world. I will never forget the kindness and concern he showed to me. I mean who willingly cleans up throw-up without complaint? I love my husband more than I can ever say and  I am so glad he is mine forever.


Becky said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Amanda! I hope it leaves soon.

Emily said...

Oh no! I hope you start feeling better soon! I'm glad you have Mark though to help you through. We're both so lucky to have such great husbands huh?! :) FEEL BETTER!!!!! I love you!