Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bad Teacher Day

Some days I just do not like teaching. Some days I wonder where the connection is between the brains of my students and their actions. Some days they are so incredibly rude it is unbelievable. And I feel like a terrible teacher because I can't manage my own classroom. And I am TIRED of it. I tired of trying to manage them. I wish they could just manage themselves. I have been told a good classroom manager helps them manage themselves but I just can't get them do it. And I feel like I am constantly living in the shadow my predecessor and coming up short. I know they don't sound as good with me as they did with her and I know my classes are half the size hers were. I hate having my weaknesses magnified in my students and then thrown back in my face. Was I that disrespectful? No. I wasn't. I know I wasn't. I have awesome students who are super respectful who remind me that I wasn't. Where do those who are rude learn to be so rude? What makes them think they can be in charge of the class? I just hated today. Today was a bad teacher day. I made so mistakes. I made more mistakes than I did things right and I hate those days. I feel like lately that has been the order of the day. I feel like I make more mistakes than I get things right. Maybe I picked the wrong career...


Emily said...

I often feel this way too. Just when it feels like I maybe got the hang of things, everything falls apart. I often think of picking a new career too. Teaching is just plain hard. I had a day like this today too. Hang in there - we can both do it! Just remember that if you can make a difference or help even just one student then it will have been worth it. I know that's hard to remember though! I hope tomorrow is better!

Joni said...

Oh, Manda. I love you. I've SOOooooo had days like this. And they seem to come fast and furious in May when you can lecture and be as stern and organized as you want but the tantalizing tentacles of June and summer vacation are too strong! It happens. Bad teacher days happen. Bad student days happen. Bad EVERYTHING days happen. And they stink. Legitimately. But GREAT teacher days happen too. And great student days - etc. Hang in there. You're a great teacher, and a great student, and everyone will learn. On days like this all you can do is pray that God will help you to recognize the little differences in students that you have influenced. That kid who used to tap his pencil and drive everyone nuts? He still drives everyone nuts, but not by tapping his pencil. Progress! That girl who wouldn't talk? She won't shut up now. Almost there! He'll help you see it, and keep your sense of humor intact.

Love you!

Unknown said...

i totally feel you! i have been having a bad semester and have gotten to the point where i honestly just feel like quitting right on the spot and never going back to school again. i am appalled at the disrespect and so disappointed in myself for not being able to manage my students. i think it's something all new teachers go through, and the longer you teach the better you get at it. hang in there! focus on the good students and don't let the naughty ones get to you. you're awesome!