Monday, May 30, 2011

Being a Bailey

I have a lot of labels in gmail to categorize all the email I get. One of the labels is "Bailey Family." Mark's family sends out weekly email and I put most of them in there. I have another category called "Mark." I put all the email I get from him into that category. He is on vacation in Florida right now without me since I am still working. I made him promise to write me an email every day. As I was going to archive it in a category I almost put it in "Bailey Family." That might not be a big deal to anyone else but it was a little bit of a milestone for me. Ever since I got married I have felt like a Van Gesen who called myself a Bailey and tonight for the first time I felt like a Bailey. I am a Bailey. All of my current friends (minus a handful who knew me before marriage) have ONLY known me as a Bailey. All of my students call me Mrs. Bailey. I sign my name AB or A Bailey or Amanda Bailey multiple times each week The reason I almost put it into the category called "Bailey Family" is because I momentarily thought it referred to me and Mark-- a Bailey family. Mark and I are Baileys. We, the two of us together, are our own family and our surname is Bailey. I know that sounds weird and strange and small but it was a milestone for me tonight.

Amanda Bailey

Has a great ring to it. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love you Amanda Bailey! :) I love your little family unit of you and Mark and I love being friends with you guys!