Monday, August 9, 2010


Ugh. I clean with bleach every single day. EVERY DAY. In both my bathroom and my kitchen. I pour it down the drains every night. I set out cockroach traps. I have sprayed perimeter of my house inside and out. WHY do I get these little (or HUGE) visitors in my house!

I think maybe it is time to call pest control. I hate bugs. I really do. If there is a reason I will NEVER settle in the south it will be because of these bad boys. Never say never right?

Part of the problem is that we live in a VERY old house (1927) in a VERY old neighborhood (called the Ardmore Historic District). There are cracks in my cupboards large enough for me to put my hand through and since we don't own the property there is not a whole lot we can do. In our contract it says "Pest Control" is up to us but that we take the house "as is" meaning we can't do any construction on it.

*sigh* I guess I'll just have to call out the professionals and until then keep cleaning...


Jessi said...

Welcome to the South my dear! My aunt Tarri told me to get a vacuum with a long extend-able hose... Just in case! Best of luck with that! And call pest control, it will be totally worth it!

Aubrey said...

When they crawl up over your shoulder in the night, then you'll know that you're truly initiated into southern living. That's how it happened to me! :) May you be more fortunate!

Emily said...

I just read this to my parents and my dad says you can stick the health department on the landlord. Supposedly if the cockroaches are getting in somewhere that needs to be fixed then you can call the health department on them. If you want to go that route. But maybe you could also stick some boards over the holes or just some contact paper to cover the bottom of the cabinets.

Also try putting all your food in your cabinets into sealed plastic bins. Maybe if there is no food available the cockroaches won't come as much.

Good luck! We miss you guys!

Becky Tingey said...

We had the same problem in one of the houses I grew up in. We had huge flying, yes flying ones. So gross! Get some pest control to come out. You have to do it. It is the only solution. That or move to a new house :)

Emily said...

Um, yes, gross. I saw two of them in our apartment the day I moved from Houston and it sealed the deal that I was way excited to come back to Utah! Good luck!
On a brighter note, I am happy to be a full-time reader of your blog!