"The Lord’s love is often delivered through others as they respond to promptings of the Spirit."
–Bonnie D. Parkin
Here is my testimony that the Lord hears the fervent unspoken prayers of our hearts. I have felt really discouraged lately. I have not heard that still small voice in a while and I have not really felt any kind of peace. I have been praying but not fervently. My faith has been weakening and I felt that I was just not finding any answers to my prayers.
Today I got an e-mail from a friend. Here is an edited version:
Hi Amanda,
I was at the temple today and I thought of you. It crossed my mind that in some ways, I can understand exactly how you feel right now, and you can understand exactly how I feel, too.
I know the feeling of shattered expectations for something I've longed for and dreamed of my whole life.
Tonight, it became more than I could bear. I want so much what they have. Thoughts like, "Why don't I deserve this as much as they do?" seem impossible to ignore.
I went to the temple needing counsel as to how to get through this time, knowing the solution that would be the easiest and best wasn't something I could ask for. Instead, I have to figure out (with the Lord's help) how endure to the end, which may be a long time.
The prayer that was given in the endowment session was beautiful and one part stood out to me that I thought I'd pass along to you, since we're both dealing with loss and sorrow right now. I knew it was an answer to my plea for help. The man offering the prayer asked the Lord to help those in the endowment session not focus on the future or the past, but to focus on the present moment. I've never heard anyone say anything quite like that before in a prayer, and I knew I had to let go of the past and stop obsessing over how soon in the future the Lord would grant my wish. I need to focus on today and put one foot in front of the other. I need to take it a day at a time.
I don't know if this helps at all, but it resonated with me and as I laid in bed tonight with a horrible headache, you popped in to my mind again and I knew I wanted to write you.
An inspired friend
Wow. Can you believe that e-mail? This wonderful friend went to the temple to get an answer to her prayer and got an answer for mine as well. And on top of that, after she went to the temple she followed the prompting of the Spirit to send me that e-mail and share her message of hope with me. She was an instrument in the Lord's hands. She was the answer to my unspoken prayer. I was not in a place spiritually or emotionally where the Lord could speak directly to me so he spoke to me through this dear friend of mine. What a powerful example she has been to me. So to my friend (you know who you are), THANK YOU. You are such a wonderful example of faith, hope, enduring to the end, and following the prompting of the spirit. I can't thank you enough for what you have done. I am sure it has been written by angels in the Books of Heaven. You not only answered my prayer but through your example have given me a greater desire to be more obedient and endure to the end. I love you and I am so, so glad I know you.
Because I knew you, Amanda, I have been changed for good :-).
What a beautiful letter and a beautiful message. Thank you, Amanda, for your courage and for sharing your faith with others.
Thanks for sharing this Amanda. What a beautiful and powerful story. The Lord is mindful of you. He has not forsaken you.
I love you. And I put up our camping pictures on my blog! We had such a great time with you guys this weekend!
Amazing. He loves us so much.
Thanks for sharing! That's good advice for me too, cause I'm always stressed about the future. Thanks for the reminder to take it one day at a time. :)
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