Mother's Day last year was kind of lame. I mean, don't get me wrong. It was AMAZING being a mother on Mother's Day. I had waited for so many years and it was such a joy to me. I was also exhausted since I had a 4 week old baby and Mark gave me an entire night's sleep by taking all the nighttime feedings. I felt like a new woman when I woke up in the morning. But besides those two things Mother's Day was kind of lame for the following reasons: Mark started his first night shift that day. So he slept all day. I had to go to church by myself. I had to spend the entire evening by myself. Some friends invited me over for dinner, which I was thankful for. But I missed Mark and I was lonely for him. And that was it. That was my mother's day. Kind of lame.
But THIS year it couldn't have been more different.
Austin is sleeping like a champ at 13 months. (The irony of this Mother's Day was that Mark was just coming off the night shift this year. But coming off is way better than starting!) So I got to sleep in. Because we went to bed pretty early I woke up before Austin. I therefore had the immense pleasure of having an incredibly happy baby to go in and pick up and cuddle with when he woke up while being fully rested and alert myself. Mark got up soon after that. He insisted that I go back upstairs and await breakfast in bed. So I made the bed and sat on it waiting for my boys to bring in breakfast.
I was brought breakfast on a silver tray with 10 beautiful roses in a vase by my two boys. Breakfast was bagels from a local shop, fresh fruit, turkey sausage, and orange juice. Divine. After I had taken a few bites Mark went and got my present.
I had asked for a new food processor since mine broke. I had been 90% certain he had gotten me the food processor. We had talked about budget and created it around the gift I wanted. I was absolutely certain that was what I was getting. The gift came Friday. He had asked me not to pick up or shake the box but just to scoot it into the house. I figured that was because he hadn't wanted to me to confirm that I had gotten a food processor. So I abode by his wishes and just scooted the box inside. Little did I know...
He brought the box in and I opened it fully expecting to see a white Cuisinart Box with a brand new food processor. Instead I opened the top flap and the first word I saw was written in big red letters: "Canon." I immediately closed the box and looked up at Mark in absolutely disbelief. I said "Nuh uh." He looked sheepish and a little nervous. I reopened the box and pulled out a brand new DSLR camera. He had purchased it in a bundle so it came with an extra lens, a tripod, instructional DVD, screen cleaners, screen protectors, and a few more things. I was in absolute shock.
Never in our marriage had Mark surprised me with a gift like that. It was completely for me. It was completely frivolous It was just something I had dreamed about and wished for but never really considered owning: at least not for a few more years at least. I was completely shocked and absolutely thrilled. As soon as I took the first pictures of Austin I was almost brought to tears. The pictures were so much better than anything we had taken or could possibly take with our old camera. I was just so delighted.
He told me he had justified it because he was just so proud of me for the new house cleaning regimin I have maintained for the last six weeks. He told me he was so proud of me for changing my eating habits and helping him to do the same. He told me he was so proud of the way I am raising our son. He told me he was just so proud of me and wanted me to know how much he loved and appreciated me. He told me never before had the word "home-maker" meant so much to him. He never realized what a job it was to make a home; never realized that it truly is a job like any other; never realized what a difference it makes in one's life to have a home. It just warmed my heart for him to validate me. For him to acknowledge in a new way that what I do is a job just as valuable and important as any other. What a delightful and wise and appreciative man I have married. He makes me so happy and I am so glad I make him happy too.
So-- we went on an early morning walk and took some pictures with our amazing new camera. We went to church as a family where I got to attend Relief Society, thanks to the Elder's Quorum taking over Primary. The lesson was all about the importance of family. It was a beautiful lesson. Mark took Austin willingly for all 3 hours of church and then again for a 4th hour while I played for ward choir. He never complained. He just spoiled me rotten. I felt so loved and important.
After church we came home and Mark put Austin down for a nap and then made lunch for me. We had fish sandwiches, chips, and fruit. It was delicious. As soon as Austin woke up Mark took us on another walk at my request. He doesn't usually love to go on multiple walks a day but because I wanted it so badly he readily agreed without complaint because it was Mother's Day. I just can't express in words how loved and appreciated I felt by Mark. He spent the whole day making me feel like a queen. He took over all food preparation, Austin care, and chores while at the same time showering me with gifts and affection.
After Austin went to bed we had dinner: shrimp boil kebabs with macaroni and cheese. He called his mom while he grilled the kebabs outside. For dessert we had strawberry yogurt cake and homemade vanilla ice cream.
As soon as we had finished eating Mark attacked the pile of dishes and cleaned the entire kitchen.
It was such a vast improvement that I consider it in some ways to be my first mother's day. But not really. But kind of :)
It was such a wonderful day. I felt truly admired, appreciated, cared for, loved, and cherished by my husband and son. I can't even put it into words. I love my husband. I love my son. And I thank my Heavenly Father and Mother for giving me the life I enjoy.
Wow, those pictures look totally "Hi-def". The one of Dad and Austin in stroller you can definitely tell.
Such a wonderful day!!!!!!
Amanda, wow! What a present! David got me a DSLR for Mother's Day too, so I've been trying to figure out how to use the manual settings and such. I found this article ( to be very helpful, especially because of the videos. You should let me know if you discover any amazing tips so I can use them too :) Yay for cameras!
Yay! I love all of the pictures. Austin is SO cute, and you and Mark look great, too. Did you cut bangs? They look good.
Happy Mother's Day, Amanda! You are such a good example to me.
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