Sunday, April 7, 2013

Choosing to Believe

I am happy. I am peaceful. I have chosen to believe in God, my Heavenly Father. I have chosen to believe in Jesus Christ. I have chosen to worship Them  in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know this is the church they want me to be in. I know this is the way they want me to worship them.

I invite all my friends and family members to look into my church and beliefs at This church has brought me much joy and a fantastic relationship with God. Bring your beliefs and see what my church has to add to them.

I love Jesus Christ and I love Heavenly Father and I am thankful I have made the choice to believe.

Never before in my life have I realized that belief truly is a choice. It is not something you simply feel with your heart. It is something you have to choose with your mind. In my quest for faith I have been challenged by many scientific and social studies that do not support the idea of a creator. I do not dismiss those studies. There are many that are plausible and sensible and (I believe) right. But I no longer choose to let them disturb my faith. I have chosen to dismiss my doubt and let my faith live in my heart. But I need to be clear: it was a choice. I have chosen the story by which I am going to live my life.

I believe in God. I believe we do not know all things yet. Neither science nor faith can answer all questions. I believe that someday God will answer all questions but that day is not today.

I LOVE my faith. I love my God. I feel joy and light and right in my heart because of my choice.