One of my fondest memories from the hospital was our second night there. Mark was sound asleep and Austin had just started to cry. I nursed him and then we both fell asleep while he laid on my chest in the cool darkness of the hospital. Wow. One whole year ago.
Austin has grown immeasurably. I just can't believe what a difference a year makes.
His favorite books are The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Pat the Bunny andMoo, Baa, La la la.
He loves Hot Wheels cars. He loves them. We got him a set for his birthday and he can't get enough of them.
He can crawl up the stairs so we now have a baby gate in place. He is just now starting to cruise along furniture... usually in pursuit of a remote control or our cell phones :)
Austing LOVES Moses (our cat). I can't say Moses feels the same. Austin loves to smack Moses and pull his tail. We are trying to teach him to "be soft!" Moses is pretty tolerant until Austin shrieks for joy and then Moses usually makes a hasty retreat. Dear Moses :)
Austin loves to play little games. His favorite is "Sooooooooo Big!" He also loves to play Peek-A-Boo, Patty-Cakes, and give high fives.
His favorite foods include yogurt, waffles, strawberries, cheese puffs, and animal crackers.
He is a babbler. "Mamamamamama" and "Dadadadadadada" are his two most frequent sounds but I am pretty sure they still don't mean anything yet.
Austin hates getting his diaper changed. It has happened quite suddenly. The minute you walk over to him with the changing pad and dry diaper he will either start to cry and crawl away from you or start shrieking. Poor kid. I hope he gets over that soon! He has lots of diapers yet to be changed :)
Austin's smile is as charming as ever. He is such a cutie. He already has his mom and dad wrapped around his little finger! I asked Mark, "How is it possible that he already knows how to manipulate us! Little Stinker! How did we know how to do it to our parents?!" Mark said it was evolutionary so that we keep him around instead of feeding him to the bears :)
I love my little sweetheart. I can't believe it has been one whole year. It has been the best year of my life. I thought I loved him the day he was born but my love for him has just continued to grow and deepen over this last year. He is the light of my life. I love him more than life itself. Happy Birthday my dearest child. You mean more to me than you will ever know. I love you.
So fun to read this! Happy birthday Austin! You ar adorable as ever! Cant wait to see you all so soon!!!
He is such a cutie! I-Man loves cell phones and remotes too. I wonder how babies can just sense technology?
What a fantastic eating-the-cake shot! :D
Happy Birthday Austin!! It's crazy how fast it goes.
Such a cutie!! i can't believe he is one already either! They really do just keep getting cuter and cuter and more fun by the day. Just wait til he starts walking and saying more words.
Also, I loved your last post (I know you turned off comments but just had to say). I totally believe it is a choice as well. Thanks for your testimony and viewpoint. It helps me strengthen my own to hear a friend have similar thoughts as me. :)
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