Friday, January 11, 2013


I have been thinking a lot about health. There are a lot of components to health. There is physical health. Emotional health. Spiritual health. Mental health. All sorts of health. And they all take work to maintain.

I think what has got me thinking about it is the fact that emotionally/mentally I don't feel terribly healthy. But I have a pretty good idea of why that might be. I like to think of it as me having an emotional virus. Something that will eventually go away on its own. I can do things to improve my condition and make myself feel more comfortable but ultimately I just have to wait it out. Are you dying to know what it is? If you have kids you probably already guessed it. No... I am not pregnant. But I DID just stop nursing Austin. We both just decided we were done. And I think my hormones are going crazy. I have insomnia like you wouldn't believe. I just can't fall asleep. I laid in bed for over 3 hours last night before I gave in a took a sleep aid. I have never had insomnia before. And I cry over the littlest things! I was watching the biggest loser and I was in tears for the whole episode! What is up with that?! And I feel a lot like I did right after Austin was born-- anxious, depressed, angry all the time. I don't like feeling that way. So I am attributing to the stopping of the breastfeeding. I had a few of my mom friends tell me, "Amanda, when you stop breastfeeding, be prepared for another emotional roller coaster!" And boy were they right. But at least I have the comfort of knowing it will all go away sometime in the next month or two.

Physically I am finally ready to make a change. And I am excited about it! I wasn't pushing myself to loose weight or diet earlier than this because I knew that the time would come when I would be mentally ready to help out my body. The time has come. I have been on a diet/lifestyle change for a week now and I feel awesome. I feel like a champ. I actually feel better than when I was eating too much or eating for comfort. Funny how that is. And I am ready to get back to the gym... as soon as my poor baby is no longer sick.

I think I caught a spiritual health bug while I was on vacation too. There is some part of me that thinks when I am on vacation I should take a break from everything in my daily life at home. Unfortunately that includes scripture study and prayer. So I went almost my whole vacation without reading one verse from the Word of God. I said a prayer here and there, but nothing regular. So of course I came back not feeling my best. It is shameful of me that I do that. I don't mean too. It just sort of happens. My entire routine is disrupted and that is part of my routine. God is forgiving but I need to make a better effort.

Anyway, mostly I wrote that post to get out some of my feelings. I am in pretty good health overall and I look forward to increasing my health in every way :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yes, Amanda, I went through the same thing with each weaning. It is the WORST. Hang in there till you get back to your fairly even keel, or as even as it ever gets for us poor females who get swung about with the waxing and waning of the moon!
Good for you for focusing on health in the different aspects of it! I love you, you know that? Grateful to be your sister -- sorry if I ever get bossy. :)