Friday, January 18, 2013

Austin's 9 Month Update

My baby is 9 months old. He has officially been outside of the womb longer than he was in it. So weird. I couldn't be happier. There was definitely an adjustment period but I can safely say that I would much rather have him out than in. He is the light of my life. He brings me such peace, joy, excitement, and fun. He teaches me patience. He helps bring me back to the most important things in life: the basics. I love that kid more than he will ever know.


Head: 95%
Height: 33%
Weight: 33%

He still has a huge head and is dropping on the charts a little bit for growth... but at least his head is still growing :)

Here are some things about him at 9 months.

Austin has two big announcements.

One is that he can army crawl. He is FAST too! Before I know it that sweet boy is at the other end of a room with a cord wrapped around his neck or a piece of paper in his mouth.

His other big announcement is that he has teeth! My baby has teeth!! I can't believe it. I gave him a cucumber to gum the other day and he broke a piece off into his mouth. Mark reached in to fish it out and said "Oh my gosh, sweetheart! He has teeth. I felt them!" Then we both looked in and there they were, right on the bottom. Two little teeth just barely poking through his little gums. I always call him toothless. That nickname has gone the way of all the earth. He has teeth!!

One of the cutest things he has developed in the month is that he clicks his tongue. He will just be sitting in his car seat or playing with his toys and he will click his tongue. It is really cute.

Austin loves bath time as muh as ever. If he could live in the bathtub I think he might just do it. He is very adept at rolling around and splashing.

Austin can say "dadadadadada" and "lalalalala" and "babababababa" but I am pretty sure they don't mean anything yet. I am trying to get him to say "mamamamama" but we are not there yet :)

Austin loves to bang things. He loves to bang his hands on the table/floor/high chair/anything... He loves to bang his toys on the table/floor/high chair/anything. He loves to bang his toys together. It is really cute.

Austin can go from sitting to crawling but not from crawling to sitting. He is still working that one out.

Austin is a master at self feeding when it comes to cookies, crackers, pretzles, etc... We are still a little nervous about giving him anything that can't dissolve in his mouth. He's probably ready, we're just not!

Currently his favorite toys are two chunky puzzles (he loves to take the pieces off and bang them, especially the zebra piece on the safari puzzle), a cube like learning toy he got from Grandma, a frog rattle, and a string of silvery metallic plastic beads he got from his cousin Jessica.

He sleeps 12 hours, eats, sleeps 2 more hours and then takes two 90 minute naps during the day. That boy knows the value of good sleep :)

Austin is our pride and joy. We just can't get enough of that little sweetheart.


Emily said...

Oh goodness! He is so adorable! I can't believe we haven't met him yet! I hope we can remedy that soon! Love you three!

Sam and Kat said...

SUCH a cutie!! He seems so happy and smiley! It cracks me up that he likes to bang things together already. I've heard that that's such a boy thing to do. hehe! Ivy would just observe and suck on every toy she'd come across. and wtg on the sleep thing! That really makes a difference in the quality of life for the mama I think. :) Hope you are doing well!

Melissa S. said...

HOLY COW!!!!!!! He's just getting so big!!! And look at that HAIR!! I couldn't even DREAM of my kids having that much at 9 months. What a little cutie!