Friday, February 18, 2011

Loving My Job

I love my job. I love my students. It is amazing to me how much they have grown, changed, and improved over the past six months. It has been so awesome working with them. They have gone from not even being able to match pitch, to being able to match pitch, to singing in unison, to singing in canon, to singing in parts. I am SO proud of them. And I think they sound good!

There are definitely hard days. There are days when I dread coming to work and days when I simply do not want to be a teacher. But thankfully those days are few and far between. I think teaching is exciting and fun. I love how each class has its own distinct personality. I love trying to figure out how best to teach to that personality. 

My students fill the void that infertility has left in my life. It feels amazing to be walking down the hall and having kids waving at me from their classrooms. It feels amazing to be walking down the hall and have several students say "Hey Mrs. Bailey!!" or run up and give me a hug. I get several hugs each day from my students. I have students who call me "mama" or "mama B."  I just love my students so much. I am so happy to be here with them. 

I had a teacher friend from another school make a snide remark about the school I teach at. He said it in jest but we both know he meant it just a little bit. I said "Take that back. Take it back!" I said it in jest too. But I really meant every. single. word. What he said was out of line and I LOVE my kids no matter where they are from or what their background is. They are wonderful and they have SO much potential for good. 

I am just in love with my job today. Usually I am really excited for the weekend because I need a break. But not this weekend. The only redeeming thing about is that I get to spend lots of time with Mark. But other than that I will just be missing my students and looking forward to next week. 

They are learning so much and so quickly. They are growing up too fast but it is fun and exciting to watch them grow and mature and move on with their lives. I hope every single one of them finds happiness and success. Well. Almost :) No. I do. I really do hope they all find happiness and success. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm so glad you love your job! :)

Also, I left a comment on your hating infertility post but I don't know if it saved. So here it is again:

Hugs. Thinking of you. Love you! Someday we're both going to kick infertility out of here! :)