Monday, February 21, 2011


I am so anxious I feel sick to my stomach. I HATE that feeling. Ugh. I know why I am anxious too. It is because I am taking fertility medication and it messes with my mind. My life is awesome right now. I am not stressed about work. I am not stressed about family. I am not stressed about ANYTHING. It is just the medication that makes me feel anxious for no reason. It feels HORRIBLE. I know it is the medication but I still wonder a little bit because it is all in my head and I feel crazy.

I hope this gets resolved soon and that I have a little baby to show for it. Waiting is hard.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I hope you feel better soon. Both with the anxiety and the infertility. And that a cute little baby comes your way SOON. I hate feeling stressed and making decisions and infertility all mixed in one! Not fun!

I love you!!!!! We want to come and visit soon!