Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's not you, it's me. Really. It is.

Dear Friends,

As I am still grieving the loss of my sister I just want you to know how much I appreciate all your thoughtfulness and concern over me and my family. I appreciate so much your prayers and all the questions about my well-being and the well-being of my family.  Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

However, at this point it is really difficult for me to talk about it at all. Even responding to the questions "How are you? How is your brother-in-law? How is your mom? How are the girls?" is difficult and very, very, very painful for me. I am just not at a place in my grieving cycle where I feel as though I can discuss it at all.

I appreciate so much our friendship and I do not want to push anyone away because really, it is me. Not you. And at some point in the future I will need you to ask. But for now can I ask, as a friend, that you wait for me to bring the subject up? It is just not a good time to ask me how I am doing or how my family is doing in regards to that. For me, right now at least, it hurts a great deal more than it helps. I know as a friend you wouldn't want that for me.

I am so glad to know that when I am ready to talk about it I will have so many friends ready to listen. I am so glad to know I have friends praying for me.

Thank you for understanding. Thank you for your love. When I am ready to talk about it I will let you know.

Much Love,


1 comment:

Naazju said...

Take all the time you need, Lady. Just keep praying and we'll be here when you need more earthly support.
Love you!