Saturday, February 11, 2012

9 Weeks!

Holy Cow! Where has the time gone? I have only nine more precious weeks of being pregnant. I know that it sounds crazy to say that but I have enjoyed just about every minute of this pregnancy. Little Austin just keeps growing and moving and kicking more each day and it is so precious to me. I do not know when I will have the blessing of pregnancy again and I am enjoying every moment. I am so excited for the day he will arrive, but until then I am enjoying the special time being so close to him. It feels like just yesterday I was willing the days to go faster because I wanted so badly to be out of the dangerous first trimester. And now here I am in the glorious third. I am so thankful for my son and all the happiness he has already brought to me and his dad!


Emily said...

Yay for baby boy Bailey!

Katie Houston said...

Amanda, will you email me your mailing address? I have a little present I want to send for your sweet baby boy. My email address is Or text it to me at (805) 455-4894.

Jessica said...

I'm really glad that you've enjoyed it all! I know you're going to enjoy it even more when he gets here! You're going to be such a good mommy!