Monday, February 27, 2012


I am officially 33 weeks along and now into my 34th week.  He moves around so much! It is the most awesome feeling. It is way more awesome than I thought it would be. It just brings me peace to know that he is growing and becoming stronger. Time is going by so quickly! I have loved (almost) every minute of it. I will admit that the larger I grow the more I realize that in 7 weeks I am going to be ready to have my body to myself again. The little discomforts have been totally 100% worth it. And I really think that I will miss it because I do not know when (or even if) I will get this opportunity ever again. That being said, it is not always comfortable and awesome feeling. So here is to 7 more weeks of feeling great and enjoying this special, precious time with me son. And here is to enjoying having my own self to myself again in 7ish weeks.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fabulous Weekend

I had the most wonderful weekend and I just have

Saturday, February 11, 2012

9 Weeks!

Holy Cow! Where has the time gone? I have only nine more precious weeks of being pregnant. I know that it sounds crazy to say that but I have enjoyed just about every minute of this pregnancy. Little Austin just keeps growing and moving and kicking more each day and it is so precious to me. I do not know when I will have the blessing of pregnancy again and I am enjoying every moment. I am so excited for the day he will arrive, but until then I am enjoying the special time being so close to him. It feels like just yesterday I was willing the days to go faster because I wanted so badly to be out of the dangerous first trimester. And now here I am in the glorious third. I am so thankful for my son and all the happiness he has already brought to me and his dad!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Loving My Students

I had no lesson plans today. Good thing this blog is private! Hopefully my boss will never discover this post :) I had so many other things to do that I just didn't have time to do lesson plans today so I just sort of flew by the seat of my pants as the saying goes.

And it was a great day. I can get away with not doing lesson plans once or twice in a two or three week period and still be alright. If I try to do it more than that I notice a real lack of focus in my classes and behavior problems increase. But thankfully today was not one of those days.

I had fun today. I really just enjoyed the day being with my students. And I felt a really great love for them. It was strange. I have not really felt that sort of overwhelming love for my students in a while. I felt it quite often last year, but it has just not come as much this year. I attribute that to the fact that I am pregnant and completely preoccupied with other things. But today was a day where I just loved my students. And we had a wonderful day together. It was fun. We just did fun things together.

Sometimes life is like that. You need to abandon your plans (or in my case not have any) and just enjoy life for a while and have fun. You can't live like that, but every now and then it is healthy and good.

I just wanted to document a day on my blog where I was completely loving my students instead of being frustrated and frazzled by them. I will sure miss them when they go.

Friday, February 3, 2012

No Matter What

I have had a good week no matter what happens today. My last couple of Fridays have been incredibly hard days with my students and they have left me with a bad taste in my mouth as I go into my weekend. But today is not going to be that way. Because before I go to to work (i.e. right now, at 6:00 AM) I am going to remind myself what a good week it has been.

My students have all but a few pages of their music learned and my concert isn't for six weeks.

My All-County students are learning their music fast and they are well behaved and dedicated. AND I am taking 12 boys this year!!! (Compared to only 3 last year).

During Silent Time for Individual Listening Logs (STILL) my students were actually quite interested in the music. (I make them study a classical composer every month and listen to a piece of his music every Thursday).

I had only one real discipline problem and the parent totally backed me up. I want to be a parent like that.

My principal is back at work and things just seem to go so much more smoothly when he is in charge! (He was out for over two weeks because he got a really bad knee injury and had to have surgery).

My classroom was clean at the end of every single workday.

I have just felt good about this week! My kids are really coming along in their music and sight reading. So no matter what happens today, it has been a good week and nothing can take that away from me!