Monday, August 15, 2011

Best Evening

I had the best evening. First of all, my first day of school went quite well. I was not nervous or stressed. I totally knew my own power and abilities and the students (even the 8th grade) were not able to walk all over me. Last year I was shaking in my boots with the 8th grade. Literally. I would shake with frustration, fear, and rage. But this year, when they got too chatty on the first day (like they owned the place) I simply asserted my authority as their teacher, reminded them what respect looked like to me, told them I would not be afraid to write one of them up on the first day of school, and if they wanted to be first, that was fine with me. I had many, many students hug me and say how much they missed me. It was wonderful to feel their love. So after a great first day at school I came home at a reasonable hour to spend the rest of the day with my wonderful husband.

He is the best husband in the whole world. He got up this morning at 5:45 and made me a hot breakfast of whole wheat pancakes. He sat up with me and talked with me and gave me a lot of hugs and kisses. He told me he wanted me to go to my first day with students with a lot of love from my husband. It really worked. He started my day in such a positive way. He even stood at the door and waved at me as I drove off (at my request :)

When I got home we had dinner together and just talked for over two hours. We went on a walk because the weather today was magnificently cool and comfortable. And then we watched Jeopardy together. After that we talked some more and then we went to Food Lion to buy a few groceries for the coming week. When we got home we tackled our disgusting kitchen together and finished it in no time: floor mopped, dishes done (there were TONS of them), counters cleaned, trash taken out, fridge cleaned out, and bug spray put down (we saw a roach a couple of days ago). I know it sounds so simple but the conversation tonight was so free and easy and being together was just wonderful. It was one of the best days and evenings I have had in a long time. I really do have a blessed and wonderful life. I am so glad to be me and I am even gladder that Mark is my husband.


Emily said...

I love everything about this post. I love that your first day went great, I love how Mark got up early and started your day on a wonderful note, and I love how your day ended on a wonderful note as well. I hope that today was just as great! :)

Alyce O said...

Oh Amanda I am so proud of you! I would love LOVE to be a teacher, I bet you're the best! I miss you a lot.

Melissa S. said...

Yep, that DOES sound like a wonderful evening and day. I love those times of being together, talking and enjoying productivity. Really, it's the best and they make you fall in love all over again. You two are so cute together and as a side note I'm THRILLED you'll be in Primary now! ;)

Katie Houston said...

So glad that the first day of school went so well! I was awake at 5:15 this morning anticipating mine :-/. Hope I can say the same when the day is through!

Michelle said...

Awesome. I'm impressed Mark did that--what a good husband :). I know it's been a couple weeks, but congratulations on a great first day! I hope things are still well now that it's more underway!
BTW, Mom said that there's a way to add my name to some list on your blog settings where it will email me your posts when you publish them. Do you know how to do that? If so, I would love to be added to that!