Friday, January 9, 2015


Lots of people criticize New Year Resolutions but they actually are really helpful for me. And I don't care if only do them for one month or two months or the whole year! That I do them at all is awesome I think and I am that much better for it.

So this year I have resolved to blog once a week, mostly for the sake of my family record. I don't wax philosophical here these days. It just isn't in me right now. The daily grind of motherhood sort of squelched what little I had out of me. I love to READ that sort of stuff, I just don't spout it myself :) And generally motherhood isn't a grind. Mostly I think my life is freakin' awesome! But I'm having a lot of anxiety right now about potty training and moving again.

It's been a quiet week. Mark is on a busy rotation so we don't see a lot of him and the little we do see is exhausted and disconnected. I'm thankful he did not choose a specialty that will require so much of his time. He truly wouldn't have been happy with it. But we are HALF WAY DONE! Radiology here we come!

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