Thursday, January 1, 2015

Another Year Gone

Oh man! Where has the time gone! This has been the craziest year. We have done so many things as a family I have hardly had any time to blog. I used to be a pretty faithful blogger but not lately! This poor blog has been all but abandoned! But a new year is here. Perhaps this blog will get a little more loving.

We've done a million things since I last blogged. I don't even know where to begin.

Christmas was awesome. We had it with just us because Mark only had Christmas Eve and Day off (thanks to his awesome co-interns.) We did tons of stuff around Vegas: Bellagio Conservatory, Santa Train in Boulder City, E.M. Cactus Garden Lights, Las Vegas Motor Speedway Lights, Opportunity Village Magic Forest, Las Vegas Philharmonic Christmas Concert.

We went to Death Valley. It was amazing.

We went on an awesome vacation to Arizona in November when Mark had two weeks off. We went to Gardinerville to see Douglas and Carmen. They took us to Lake Tahoe. We went to the Grand Canyon for a second honeymoon. We went to Sunset Crater. We went to the Mogollon Rim. We went to the sinks in Snowflake. We had Thanksgiving with family.

We've been to Red Rock Canyon several times. I completed a triathlon.

I've made some wonderful friends here. I still keep in touch with friends from North Carolina.

We've been busy! So busy! But it has been an amazing busy-ness full of family and love and time spent together creating memories.

I've got lots of ambitions to make my life even better in this new year. Here's hoping 2015 is as awesome as 2014!

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