Friday, April 8, 2011

Counting Down!

Five more school days until spring break!

Ten more days until my first visit with a reproductive endocrinologist!

Twenty-five more school days until my final concert of the school year!

Forty-five more school days left in the school year!

I can't believe how much time has passed already. It has almost been a year that I have lived in North Carolina. It has been a year since I graduated from BYU. I miss many things about my past, but I got a wonderful piece of advice from Rosalind Hall before I left BYU. She said "You can never go back." And she is right. As much as I miss BYU, Utah, Arizona, and everything that goes with those things I can never go back and relive that part of my life. In fact, that part of my life was probably so awesome because I tried to take advantage of every moment that I had there. I am going to try to take advantage of every moment I have here. So no more of this counting down business. I think I am going to have one motto for the rest of the school year.


Sieze the carp!

Just kidding.

SEIZE THE DAY! Live in the moment. Plan for the future.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

K, that's just sick. I'm all for seizing the day though! =)