I have not posted in forever. I think it is because I have just been trying to keep my head above the water in my first year of teaching. Well I am here to say that I am surviving. In fact, I feel like I am doing better than that! I feel like I am thriving. I have miles to go as far as being a great teacher is concerned. I can already tell you a hundred things I am going to do differently next year. But I love my job. I love it. I think I definitly picked the right job and I feel so blessed to be teaching at Reidsville Middle School. I love my students. I love them. I have a fabulously supportive administraion. The school district I work for has this year long training for first year teachers. Once a month the district pays for my substitute so I can attend a professional development seminar all day with the other first year teachers. They teach us instructional strategies and help us address concerns in our classrooms. It is wonderful training and I love taking back the ideas they give me and trying them out in my classroom. It is great to see the other first year teachers so often. I am making good friends with my colleagues. I love this job. Sometimes I feel guilty because I love it so much. Some days are definitly harder than others. I know I have had a good day if I feel like I could be a teacher forever. I know I have had a bad day when all I want to do is have a baby and stay home and never go to Reidsville again. The bad days come and go but I am happy to report that the truly bad days are becoming fewer as the year progresses. Today I got paid. Not in money. But I got paid. Here is the payment I recieved from a student today exactly as I recieved it (spelling errors included):
Dear Mrs. Bailey,
I think you are the most beautiful, talented, and the best chours teacher in history. You can have every chours job in the world because you are so good. I know when Im all grown up I will still remember you and my first year in middle school. Thank you for being so kind to me and everybody else. I think we were all lucky to have you as our teacher. I love you.
Student's Name
It was all decorated with markers and Halloween pictures. Wow. What a treasure. It is hanging on my fridge. I am going to keep it forever. What a sweet note. It made my day... month... year! And when those bad days come I am just going to keep reading it over and over. I love my job.
That letter makes me smile so big! I'm so happy for you!!!!!! I knew you'd be awesome. You ARE awesome!!!
I'm so glad you're enjoying teaching!
Amanda -
Aren't junior high students wonderful? People talk about how tough they are - and they ARE tough - but I infinitely prefer them because they're so wonderfully forgiving and generous in their praise. I have a whole folder that I keep labeled "teacher pay-days". I keep all those little notes and such in there. They're fun to pull out and read now and then!
I'm glad you're enjoying teaching :)
Oh! I love little notes like that! I'm glad your first year is going so well!
And that pay is worth so many bad days. Believe every word she said in that note because it's true!
Yay! I'm so glad to hear you're so happy teaching! Keep up the good work best chorus teacher ever!
Amanda, I am glad to hear you like are enjoying your job most days! I will be starting my student teaching next fall, and I am getting nervous! What a sweet note that student wrote, it really makes everything worth it! Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh, man! I didn't realize you had posted again!
I love your new background and header picture, btw.
What a sweet student, and blessings on her for taking the time to write that note for you. I'm glad you're enjoying your job, for the most part. I wish I could visit your class--maybe I'll get to sometime. :)
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