Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What We've Been Working On

Baby Bailey #2

January 2014

Surprised?! So were we!

When I asked Mark "How did this happen?!" His tongue in cheek response was "Well, when two people love each other..." And I said "I know how it happened, but I mean, how did it happen?!"

Austin was our medical miracle. It took us four years to conceive him and a lot of medical intervention.

This sweet pregnancy is our miracle. It just happened.

God truly works in a mysterious way. His timing is perfect. For some reason there is another spirit that needs to join our family sooner rather than later.

The first trimester is over before it even began for me. I was already nearly 8 weeks pregnant when I found out I was pregnant. I had been feeling irritable, tired, and kind of sick to my stomach. Then I thought I had a UTI. So I went to my doctor thinking ally my symptoms must be related to the UTI. He said I didn't have a UTI** or a yeast infection and that he didn't know what was wrong but if things got worse before they got better to call and they would give me an antibiotic just to be safe.

So I went home and complained to Mark that I had just spent $90 at the doctor's office for nothing and I should have just waited it out. He suggested that I might be pregnant. I scoffed. There was no way I could be pregnant. We weren't even trying! I mean, we weren't exactly trying to prevent it either, but up until now I have been my very own (and very effective) birth control.

But that did get me thinking... So I told him I was really craving some Oreos. He said I could go get some if I wanted. So I did. But I didn't really want cookies. I wanted to buy a pregnancy test without telling anyone. I didn't want anyone else to be disappointed if it was negative. Besides, I told myself, You just got a prescription for birth control. You need to take a pregnancy test before you start anyway to be on the safe side. So I bought the cookies and the test. I brought in the groceries and said I had to go to the bathroom. I hid the test up my shirt and ran upstairs.

My hands were not shaking. I wasn't nervous. I wasn't excited. I totally expected the test to be negative. Imagine my immense surprise when both lines turned purple. I just about dropped it into the bath tub. I just sort of sat there and stared at it in disbelief for a few minutes. But deep in my heart I knew it wasn't a false positive. I finished my business and marched in and showed the test to Mark. He said "I knew it!"  Then the conversation at the top of this post took place.

And now I am somewhere between 12 and 13 weeks. We can't be exactly sure because we can't date the pregnancy from my last menstrual cycle. I had the above ultrasound to get an estimation.

But we are expecting #2! And we are thrilled. This really is a dream come true for me. I always wanted to just "get pregnant" without any intervention. And it has happened! It truly is a miracle. Now that the shock and fear and apprehension have mostly worn off I am just plain excited. The excitement grows every single day!

2014 will be a big year for us! Bring it on!

**I did have a UTI, by the way. My doc just didn't catch it. 3 days later I was in the Emergency Department with a fever of 102, chills, aches, and pain in my back. The UTI had progressed to a kidney infection. Ugh. I was in the hospital for about 7 hours. I had IV antibiotics and some morphine. And when I got home I had to take the nastiest antibiotics ever for 10 days. Thankfully it passed and the baby is just fine!


Katie Houston said...

Oh my goodness, this is so thrilling! Congratulations! How absolutely exciting!

Katie Houston said...

P.S. That makes the title of your blog, "Life Unscripted," all the more appropriate!

Suzanne said...

Congratulations! This is the best news ever! I'm so happy for you and so excited, I can't use enough exclamation points!

And sorry about the UTI, that part is terrible.

Kelsey said...

Holy cow! That is amazing! Congratulations, Amanda!

Chapples said...

Wow! All I can say is "wahoo yay yay YAY!" My excitement and happiness is so full! Congratulations! Yay!!!!

Broc and Melanie said...

EEkk! Hurray!! That is super exciting. I'm so happy for you :)

Mr Smith & I said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHH I want to hug you and jump up & down with you (if that was something I did) ANOTHER BABY!!!!! & um I'd go back to the first doc and ask for my money back + some. I want to slap him for you. How do you not catch those!?!

I fear pregnancy tests. And I fear getting pregnant again & I stress out some since I don't currently have periods. ANY WAY - perfect time in your life AND SO MUCH CHEAPER!!! Can't wait to come visit!!!

Emily said...


Robyn said...

So excited for you!

Joni said...


I am so behind on everyone's blogs that I'm totally behind on this news. I am SO, SO excited for you. What an incredible blessing. Keep me posted on how things are going for you. Congratulations!!

Melissa S. said...

CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO beyond excited for you!!!!! Eeeeeeeek. Seriously, so amazing.

Sam and Kat said...

Whaaaat?? This just made me SO happy!!! COONGRATS!! That is so amazingly exciting. So so so happy for you Amanda!