Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I just want to be a mom...


Emily said...

Did you have one of those days? Because I know I did. Hating things at work, hating no snow days, hating periods, and wishing I could just stay home with a cute, little baby.

Sheesh. Wish we could get together and go out to Zupas and then bake cookies and talk.

Love you. I hope you feel better.

A. B. said...

Ya, I had one of those days. I have been staying home the last few days because of the snow and it has been so wonderful. I know it is not all peaches and cream when you stay home with children but I want it so badly. Now I have to get back to work and I just would rather stay home. And my medication didn't work this month. So that is frustrating. And if I lose my job we have to stop trying again for a while. So that is frustrating. *sigh* I wish we lived closer too. I almost called you yesterday. I should have. I was literally wishing all day yesterday that we lived closer. And now I have no more three day weekends because we have to make up all our snow days. Grrrrr. My spring break is not the same time as Mark's spring break though. It is sometime in the middle of April. Maybe I'll come up and visit!

Emily said...

I know! I've been thinking a lot about you too! Actually Richard and I both had dreams about you guys on Saturday night and we said it was a sign that we need to come and visit you soon!!! :) So we're hoping some weekend maybe in March or something will work out and we'll come to you. Or I love the spring break idea too! Mine is sometime in April too. I wonder if we have the same week...that'd be awesome! :)