There is something I don't ever want to forget about Austin because it certainly won't last forever. Oh the stages they go through.
Austin does the cutest thing right now. It almost seems like a reflex!
Anytime he touches something soft he will immediately start to suck his thumb. When he is tired he intentionally seeks out something soft so he can start sucking his thumb. It is SO cute. He sucks his thumb when he holds onto soft blankets or stuffed animals. He sucks his thumb when we read Pat the Bunny and he gets to pat the bunny. In fact, if he can't find something soft readily available he will go to the bookshelf, find that book, open it up the bunny page, and start patting the bunny and sucking his thumb. SO cute.
But by far the cutest thing he does is suck his thumb when he feels daddy's hair. The other day Mark was lying down on the couch next to me while I was holding Austin. Austin reached out to touch Mark's hair and then immediately started sucking his thumb because Mark's hair was soft. He has now done this several times. Sometimes when I am changing Austin's diaper and he is upset, Mark will come put his head next to Austin's and Austin will reach out and touch Mark's head and start sucking his own thumb and calm right down.
So cute.