"This week, I learned about not getting offended. There are times when people say things that I could totally take the wrong way. Sometimes it's easier to take the wrong way and get angry. But actually, that makes everything harder. It is so much easier to just take a deep breath, put the comment or situation in context, say a prayer, and then continue on, as if it hadn't happened."
~Elder Joseph Bailey~
~Czech Prauge Mission~
Wow. Can I just say I needed to hear that? I am having a really hard time with some things that have been said at work. There is one teacher in particular who keeps complaining that her classes are too big this year and why won't more kids take chorus, like it is my fault or something. She keeps telling me how big chorus used to be and wonders why it is so much smaller. I can tell you why. It is because an iconic teacher that was here for 30 years left and when she left no one signed up for chorus because they did not want the "new" person. All this happened before I was hired, by the way. I have no control over who they put into my classes.The guidance office takes care of everything and I have already told them to feel free to just stick kids into my class. I have already increased my numbers by about 15 or 20 because the kids are spreading good rumors about me. I think she is truly annoyed by the fact that they won't just stick unwilling kids into my classes. Sometimes the way she says it is really hateful and hurtful and it makes me feel terrible.
But just like Elder Bailey said in his e-mail I need to not be offended. I need to remember that she is old, tired, and one year away from retirement. Her budget has been cut in half and she is worried about not having enough supplies for her students. I should pray for her, not be hurt by her. If I choose to get offended it just makes me too angry to do my work and my lesson plans. So I need to choose to try and be more understanding even if she chooses to not be understanding of a first year teacher trying to build up a choral program.
So when you read this in a year or two if ever Joseph, thanks. I really needed to hear that.